Monday, November 18, 2019

The Large Bathers Formal Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Large Bathers Formal Analysis - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the Large Bathers is one of the pieces of arts in Philadelphia Museum of Art. Considering the importance and significance that this piece of art had during its time and the ages after, it is essential that a formal analysis of the painting enhance a better understanding. In the Large Bathers formal analysis, there are certain basic aspects that are ideally of substantive significance, which are looked at. These include elements such as the composition, the theme, color, lights, mood, and tone among other elements of art. Having a closer look at the painting, one is able to derive that ideally, the main theme surrounding the painting is that of human figures in a landscape. Amongst all the works of Cezanne, it is the large bathers that the most lasting and profound impact in addressing the theme of human figures in a landscape. The Bathers painting’s composition is done in such a way that there are trees bordering the bathers from either side with th e bathers in their nude bodies, bending inwardly towards each other, in a manner that looks like their attention is drawn to something. In the surrounding, the Bathers and the trees are aligned in such a way that they form a shape of a triangle. In between the Bathers and the onlookers, there is a dark painting, that looks like a lake. At first sight, the picture brings into perspective certain aspects of old tradition considering the manner in which the paintings are done. The paintings are those of nude women, a traditional approach to paintings, an aspect that contradicts the actual reality that the painting was the beginning of the modern art. Considering the period during which the painting was done, the pictures are very beautiful. During the same period, many technologies had not been developed and hence it was beautifully done.

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